As a volunteer educator teaching several STEM classes over the past several years, I have found the Mand Labs KIT-1 STEM Electronics Kit to be my favorite resource. In my nearly four decades of US Air Force service, I spent most of my career in teaching roles such as instructor pilot, flight training academics instructor, and curriculum standards branch chief for flight test instruction. In those roles I learned we humans can be very different from one another when it comes to our preferred styles of learning, and I am very pleased that the Mand Labs approach keeps that in mind. In other words, this resource features an excellent mix of hands-on engagement, text-based instruction, hard copy graphics, videos, attention steps, experiments, humor, practical application ideas, aesthetics, and more. It is readily self-paced. All of this in combination means nearly any type of student will find aspects that are a good fit with his or her learning style!
I just recently signed up for the Mand Labs Academy, and I’m very motivated about furthering my own development as a learner. There’s much more by which I’ve been impressed, but I’ll close by saying Mand's customer service and tech support have been extraordinary and, in my opinion, say a lot about where this excellent company is going.
nice my name is Justin
I saw the Mand Labs electronics kit and books. Was thoroughly impressed with the professional design and the thoughtfully chosen components. The kits came with two well-prepared books, which listed a large number of experiments for students to try out. As expected, the level of the experiments keeps getting more involved as the student progresses. Towards the end, I remember seeing circuits built using multiple transistors. The website also has a number of videos to go along. I think this kit, along with the material in the books and the website, should serve as a self-guided dive into the world of electronics for anybody who has an interest to learn. It will also encourage the student to try out their own ideas. One thing that stands out about Mand's is that it does not shy away from getting into the details. There are vivid diagrams that highlight the currents/voltages etc. This was in fact refreshing in times where increasingly we see a tendency to 'abstract out' from the inner details.
Mand Labs KIT-1: Standard Edition