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Mand Labs DIY Electronic Series: Book-1


Mand Labs DIY Electronic Series: Book-1
Mand Labs DIY Electronic Series: Book-1 Mand Labs DIY Electronic Series: Book-1

DIY Electronic Series books by Gurpawan Mand is an attempt to break the conventional paradigm and make electronics fun to learn, simple to understand and easy to relate to. It is an amalgamation of both theoretical and practical learning.

Divided into two books, the DIY series has 18 chapters. It strives to give readers a better understanding of topics like current, electricity and semiconductors. It emphasizes on hands-on, do-it-yourself (DIY) project-based learning, as the writer, Mr. Mand, believes that 'learning by doing' is more effective and long lasting.

In Book 1, the basic concepts of electricity, electrical and electronics are covered in the 10 chapters. Each chapter gives the reader an in-depth and comprehensive working knowledge of topics covering charge, voltage, current, resistors, Ohm's law, variable resistors, including potentiometer, preset and LDR, series and parallel combinations, LEDs, buzzers, switches and capacitors.

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Readers can learn to prototype circuits on a breadboard with 22 hands-on experiments that are explained in detail. It also enables them to build and analyze projects step-by-step.

With the content of the book mapped to the international standard physics curriculum standards (AP Physics, IGCSE/IB Physics, CBSE Physics), the book's purpose is to help students develop a structured approach to solve problems, and shape their thought processes to look at things from a different perspective.

The book is also an attempt to lure everyone who enjoys building and learning, but indispensable for those who want to pursue a career in engineering or in research and development. It helps readers visualize concepts and build a strong theoretical base with beautiful illustrations and pictures. It encourages self-learning and self-evaluation, enabling readers to become independent learners.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Vineet Srivastava
Professional design

I saw the Mand Labs electronics kit and books. Was thoroughly impressed with the professional design and the thoughtfully chosen components. The kits came with two well-prepared books, which listed a large number of experiments for students to try out. As expected, the level of the experiments keeps getting more involved as the student progresses. Towards the end, I remember seeing circuits built using multiple transistors. The website also has a number of videos to go along. I think this kit, along with the material in the books and the website, should serve as a self-guided dive into the world of electronics for anybody who has an interest to learn. It will also encourage the student to try out their own ideas. One thing that stands out about Mand's is that it does not shy away from getting into the details. There are vivid diagrams that highlight the currents/voltages etc. This was in fact refreshing in times where increasingly we see a tendency to 'abstract out' from the inner details.